Data breach of over 500 million Linkedin users – Major cybersecurity incident

Linkedin Data Breach, a major cybersecurity incident
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Linkedin had a data breach of over 500 million users sold online to hackers. It is one of the major cybersecurity incidents in the recent past. Earlier Facebook had a similar data breach of more than 533 million users by hackers.

The current Pandemic has switched many businesses to go online and cybersecurity has a vital role than ever before. The security breach of two top technology giants, such as Facebook and LinkedIn has a huge impact.

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Leaked details

According to a renowned research group CyberNews, scraped LinkedIn data includes fields such as user IDs, full names, email IDs, phone numbers, professional titles, and other work-related details. Below is an example of a data leak:

LinkedIn Data Breach
Image source: Cybernews

Linkedin official statement

Linkedin however confirms in an official statement that no private data was leak however it is public profile data of users which is already available online.

“We have investigated an alleged set of LinkedIn data that has been posted for sale and have determined that it is actually an aggregation of data from a number of websites and companies. It does include publicly viewable member profile data that appears to have been scraped from LinkedIn.”

“This was not a LinkedIn data breach, and no private member account data from LinkedIn was part in what we’ve been able to review.”

Although they claim that only public data of users was available online and it does not contain any sensitive information like credit card or Social Security numbers.

However, cybercriminals can attempt different methods to hack into the accounts of users. They can attempt phishing attacks, scam emails with malicious links by using the scraped information.

Protect your information

Many users are not aware of these methods and fall into the trick of the attacker. It is very important to protect your sensitive information and make sure you know how to safeguard your account. Read the article to know if your information had scraped online and how to protect your account.

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