IT exports achieves a new milestone for Pakistan

Information Services
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Export of Information Technology services in first two months of 2020-21 has increased by 35.58% as compared to the same period last year. This shows the increase in exports from $210 million same period last year to $286 million.

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Computer Services

We categories software consultancy and hardware consultancy under computer services. A total increase of 37.27% has been witnessed in the mentioned period. Computer services jumped from $162 million last year to $222 million.

Software consultancy

The increase of 16.10% was witnessed in export of software consultancy services. Total exports increased from $64 million to $72 million.

Hardware consultancy

On the other hand there was of 76.01% decrease in exports of hardware consultancy services. Total exports decreased from $0.321 million to $0.077 million.

Repair and maintenance services

Decrease of 86.27% witnessed in export of repair and maintenance services which might be due to covid situation during the year.

Other computer services

There was increase of 89.98% in other computer services jumping from $49 million to $93 million.

Information services

There was an increase of 65.52% in export of information services. Total increase from $0.290 million to $0.480 million.

News agency services

Export of news agency services saw a good increase of 133%, total from $0.100 million to $0.233 million.

Telecommunication services

Export of telecommunication services jumped by 29.74% with total increase from $48 million to $62 million.

Further it has been revealed that services trade deficit of Pakistan has decreased by 50.41% during the mentioned time period.

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