Three most in demand Technologies for 2021? AI, IoT and 5G

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Technical professional organization IEEE has conducted a survey of top CIO’s and CTO’s to rate the most in demand technologies for 2021.

More organization are looking for Digital Transformation. It is very important to improve the processes with the help of Artificial Intelligence. Machines can help the human in making key decisions. It is no surprise that nearly 32% respondents selected AI and Machine Learning as the top rated technology in the survey.

Internet users are increasing with more and more cloud base services. People need fast speed and reliable internet services. That’s why nearly 20% respondents rated 5G. It is second top rated technology in the survey.

The word “Internet of Things” first invented by Kevin Ashton in 1999 for introducing a new exciting technology called RFID. Since then the term has been used widely and today businesses are moving towards industry 4.0 standard to take advantages of IoT. Nearly 14% respondents selected IoT as the third top rated technology in 2021.

This survey also revealed that these technologies will make most impact on Manufacturing industry with 19% votes. Second will be healthcare with 18%, Third financial services with 15% votes and fourth will be education with 13% votes.

Industries are looking to adopt new technologies to improve efficiencies, processes, automation and other areas which can enhance their business.

Technology Adoption due to Covid 19

It is no doubt that Covid-19 has made an impact on every part of world. Businesses have taken drastic actions to overcome any such situation now and in the future.

In the same survey nearly 55% respondents have claimed that the adoption of cloud computing have accelerated due to pandemic followed by 5G, AI and IoT.

A large number nearly 92% of CIOs and CTOs believe that they can now handle the disaster situation in a better way. Covid-19 made them take drastic actions and businesses adopted the change accordingly.


It is very important to secure the data and devices of organization from any kind of threat. The number of connected devices are increasing day by day and also the number of threats are increasing at the same pace.

CIOs and CTOs shared their concerns related to cybersecurity. They believe that bring your own device (BYOD) is the biggest security concern with 37% votes followed by IoT with 35%.

Businesses are now looking towards digital transformation. Technologies like AI, ML, IoT, Block Chain, Cloud computing have changed the way businesses were run in last decade.

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